In this episode, we’ll dive deep into the journey of uncovering your life’s purpose and embarking on the path towards a more fulfilling career. Drawing from my own personal experiences and the insights I’ve gained as a purpose coach, my aim is to inspire you to follow your curiosity, embrace the unknown, and liberate yourself from the self-imposed constraints that might be holding you back in a job that is no longer serving you.
Topics discussed in this episode:
00:03:43 – Discovering your interests
00:06:37 – Exploring fresh possibilities
00:13:33 – Summoning the courage to step beyond your comfort zone
00:21:32 – Conquering the fear of failure
Quotes from Episode:
“We all have natural gifts and talents that we’re meant to explore and utilise in work that brings us joy and happiness and just feels right.”
“I’ve learned to settle into discomfort and allow it to excite me rather than terrify me. When you do this, you start to believe that wherever you’re going will be so much better than where you’ve been.”
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Links from the Episode:
Music co-written by Steven Murillo (@someoneinatreeband) & Jessica Hwang (@jessicahwangcoaching)
Production and audio engineering by Ease of Mind Productions
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